8.8 iSSue
The first issue of SchimJolie's lifestyle and travel magazine is launching August 8th. We call the issue 8.8 iSSue.
Here is a little sneak peek of the cover and what you can expect to discover inside.
The 12 page issue can be downloaded 8.8 from our webshop for €8. The fee will contribute and help us to give you more content and interesting stuff to share with you.
We hope you will enjoy the exclusive photoshoot and silky inspirational styles and also the reading of Silky8's 8Q&A (Questions & Answers) with Defiance Coach Sophie Sherwin and find out how Human Design can be a useful tool in order to figure out your direction and purpose in life.
"The ‘design’ (unconscious) is developed when the soul is born at 88 days before the physical birth."