City Lines

City Lines is captured on the way up to the beautiful herb garden in Kobe. I arrived for the Kobe beef, but discovered so much more! All by chance I found myself taking the cablel line climbing the steep hillside facing the shore of Kobe. What an amazing view!

Soaring high above the most wonderful herbs and flowersI try once again to see 'my here and now' in a new perspective. The strong cable lines carrying the carts up and down and the city out front and the garden below.

City Lines is about lifelines and how important it is to balance, step up and see how angles, lines and light makes different perspectives in life.

SchimJolie Silk Square
City Lines (1/8)
Japan Collection 2018
Limited edition: 500
Sizes: Body (140cm by 140cm), Neck (90cm by 90cm), Pocket (70cm by 70cm)