Scream Green

Phare de la Garoupe, Cap d’Antibes, France. Cycling to see the lighthouse was a lovely day out. A098 very pretty area with a wonderful view. I spotted this door - it kind of yelled out at me. So, I took its photograph and titled it “Scream Green”.

The image reminds me of the expression “One door opens, another door closes.” Scream Green is about holding on to let go. The secret is knowing what to hold on to and what to drop. Hold on to the things that matter, have meaning and make you authentically happy. All else can go.

SchimJolie Silk Square

Scream Green (3/9)

European Tour 2014 Collection

Limited edition: 500

Sizes: Body (140cm by 140cm), Neck (90cm by 90cm), Pocket (70cm by 70cm)