Single Swan

This image was captured during an early morning run in Bertes Bay in Kristiansand in the Spring of 2013. The swan seemed to be almost gliding after me as I moved, like it wanted to tell me something. Out of curiosity, I took her portrait.

Later I learned the swimming, single swan, actually is called a sing swan. This species of bird has long been considered a symbol of outer beauty, celebrated in fairytales and art. Yet let us not forget how more vital and essential it is to have beauty inside. By being generous with your laughter and kind with your smile, so much more in life can be achieved. Just try!

SchimJolie Silk Square

Single Swan (8/16)

European Tour 2013 Collection

Limited edition: 500

Sizes: Body (140cm by 140cm), Neck (90cm by 90cm), Pocket (70cm by 70cm)