Standing Tall

Taken in Fort Carré, Antibes, this image was taken while friends visited me in France in the early Summer of 2013. I took them on a nice walk around the fort. The lighthouse and the nearby flowers are captured during the “blue hour” to conjure an unforgettable the image.

Art often mimics life. We all need to stand tall and see the positive in situations. Life is full of choices and consequences. It’s about rising above doubters and trusting in your own decisions. You decide what’s right or wrong and to act the best you can without having others to judge. Believe in yourself, be happy, stand tall in style!

SchimJolie Silk Square

Standing Tall (7/16)

European Tour 2013 Collection

Limited edition: 500

Sizes: Body (140cm by 140cm), Neck (90cm by 90cm), Pocket (70cm by 70cm)